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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:19    点击次数:132

个人简介: 付乾,教授、博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者,重庆市“百人计划”特聘专家。主要从事电化学能源转化系统(如燃料电池、电化学还原二氧化碳)中多尺度能质传输问题、微生物能源转化技术及能源化工过程余热回收技术相关研究。作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年项目1项,重庆市自然科学基金杰出青年项目1项、其他项目2项;参与国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(中泰)1项(排名第二),国家重点研发计划项目1项。近五年在Nano Energy等国内外权威刊物及学术会议上发表相关研究论文130余篇,其中SCI收录共126篇、先后5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。担任国际学术会议组委会委员2次,国际学术会议分会主席4次;应邀在国际学术会议做主题报告5次,国内学术会议主题报告4次;担任国家期刊Energy and AI杂志编委会委员,Electronics特刊编辑。 教育及工作经历: 2019.11 – 至今, 重庆大学 能源与动力工程学院 教授 “弘深优秀学者” 2014.12 – 2019.11,重庆大学 能源与动力工程学院 特聘研究员 2013.10 – 2015.03,东京大学 生产技术研究所 博士后 2010.10 – 2013.09,东京大学 系统创新工程学院 系统创新工程专业 博士 2007.09 – 2010.06,重庆大学 动力工程学院 动力工程及工程热物理 硕士 2003.09 – 2007.06,重庆大学 动力工程学院 热能动力工程 学士 奖励及荣誉: 2019 重庆大学优秀青年教师 2018 重庆大学唐立新优秀奖教金 2018 重庆大学“最受学生欢迎的老师” 2016 重庆市“百人计划”学者 2014 东京大学工学系研究科科长奖(研究) 2014 东京大学国际研究交流助成金 2012 东京大学GMSI国际研究交流助成金 2010 日本文部省全额博士奖学金 2008 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会优秀论文奖二等奖 2007 重庆市优秀毕业生 研究方向:      1. 电化学能源转化技术(燃料电池、电化学CO2还原)中多尺度传输现象        2. 生物固碳及能源化转化        3. 能源化工过程余热回收技术 招收对以上方向感兴趣的博士、硕士研究生;并接受优秀本科生进行大学生科研训练计划等项目。 讲授课程:《传热学》(本科生)、《多尺度传热传质前沿》(研究生) 联系方式: Email: [email protected] 地址:重庆市重庆大学A区能源与动力工程学院221办公室 科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,电化学还原二氧化碳流动式反应器能质传输特性及性能强化,58万,2021.1-2024.12,负责人 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微生物/光电化学耦合固碳产甲烷人工光合作用系统能质传递及转化特性,60万,2018.1-2021.12,负责人 3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,固碳产甲烷微生物电合成系统中多元多相传递及生物电化学转化特性,21万,2016.1-2018.12,负责人 4. 重庆市自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,耦合生化/电化学反应的微生物能源转化系统能质传输特性及过程强化,50万,2020.1-2023.12,负责人 5. 重庆市留学人员创业创新支持计划(重点项目),微藻水热水解传热及流动特性研究,12万,2018.1-2020.12,负责人 6. 重庆市自然科学基金,可还原二氧化碳产甲烷的微生物阴极体系中多元多相传递特性,5万,2015.9.1-2018.9.1、负责人 7. 重庆大学科研后备拔尖人才培育计划项目,生物催化电化学能源转化能质传输特性,2019.12-2022.11,60万,负责人 8. 中央高校科研业务费(校长专项),高温高含尘烟气下三维超大拓展换热表面能质传递特性及机制,30万,2016.7.1-2019.6.30、负责人 9. 重庆大学“百人计划”科研启动费,200万,负责人 10. 国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目,51561145013、太阳能水热水解及生化转化耦合制取微藻生物燃料基础研究,2015.10~2018.9、300万、主研人(排名第二) 11. 国家重点研发计划,工业含尘废气余热回收技术(2016YFB0601100),4500万,2016.7.1-2019.6.30、主研人(项目秘书) 发表论文: 代表性论文(10篇): 1. Qian Fu*, Shuai Xiao, Zhuo Li, Yanbo Li*, Hajime Kobayashi, Jun Li, Yang Yang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Xuefeng He, Dingding Ye, Liang Zhang, Miao Zhong, Hybrid solar-to-methane conversion system with a Faradaic efficiency of up to 96%, Nano Energy, 2018, 53:232-239. (IF=17.88) 2. Pengtao Yue, Qian Fu*, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Lei Xing, Zhongyin Kang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu. Triple-phase electrocatalysis for the enhanced CO2 reduction to HCOOH on a hydrophobic surface, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405:126975. (IF=13.27) 3. Shuai Xiao, Zhuo Li, Qian Fu*, Yanbo Li, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu,Hybrid microbial photoelectrochemical system reduces CO2 to CH4 with 1.28% solar energy conversion efficiency, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 390. (IF=13.27) 4. Pengtao Yue, Zhongyin Kang, Qian Fu*, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Life cycle and economic analysis of chemicals production via electrolytic (bi) carbonate and gaseous CO2 conversion [J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 304: 117768. (IF=9.75) 5. Shuai Xiao, Qian Fu*, Zhuo Li, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao*. Solar-driven biological inorganic hybrid systems for the production of solar fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 150: 111375. (IF=14.98) 6. Yu-Ting He, Qian Fu*, Yuan Pang*, Qing Li, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Ren-Hao Lu, Wei Sun, Qiang Liao, Uwe Schröder.  Customizable design strategies for high-performance bioanodes in bioelectrochemical systems, iScience, 2021, 24(3), 102163. (Cell 子刊,IF=5.46) 7. Chi-He Sun, Qian Fu*, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Hai-Xing Chang, Life-cycle assessment of biofuel production from microalgae via various bioenergy conversion systems, Energy, 2019, 171: 1033-1045. (IF=7.15) 8. Chao Xiao, Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu*, Yun Huang, Hao Chen, Hong Zhang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, A solar-driven continuous hydrothermal pretreatment system for biomethane production from microalgae biomass, Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 1011-1018. (IF=9.75) 9. Qian Fu, Hong Zhang, Hao Chen, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, Hydrothermal hydrolysis pretreatment of microalgae slurries in a continuous reactor under subcritical conditions for large-scale application, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266:306-314. (IF=9.64) 10. Qian Fu, Yoshihiro Kuramochi, Naoya Fukushima, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Hajime Kobayashi*. Bioelectrochemical Analyses of the Development of a Thermophilic Biocathode Catalyzing Electromethanogenesis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(2): 1225-1232. (IF= 7.86) 学术会议交流: 国际会议特邀报告及贡献: 1. 邀请主题汇报—Solar-driven biological-inorganic hybrid systems for the production of solar fuels from CO2, The 5th Asia-Pacific International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference, July 16-18, 2021, Harbin, China. 2. 邀请主题汇报—Effects of flow shear and hydrothermal conversion on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of microalgae slurry in a tubular reactor, The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2021, Sep 23-26, 2021, Qingdao, China. 3. 邀请主题汇报—The Progress of Electrochemical CO2 reduction to Synthetic Fuel, UK-China Workshop on the Electrification of Road Transport, Dec 17-21, 2018, Tianjin, China. 4. 邀请主题汇报—Fundamental Research on Biofuel Production from Microalgae Using Integrated Process of Solar Hydrothermal Hydrolysis and Microbial Conversion, 20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), Aug 15-18, 2017, Tianjin, China. 5. 邀请主题汇报—Centrifugal Granulating and Heat Recovery Characteristic of Blast Furnace Slag, 19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 6. 邀请主题汇报—Process Intensification for Biochemical Reaction & High Efficient Bioreactor for Microbial Energy Conversion, International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, July 7, 2016, Beijing, China. 7. 邀请主题汇报—Process Intensification for Microbial Energy Conversion in Photobioreactors, International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, December 17, 2015, China Agricultural University, Beijing. 8. 分会主席—20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2017, 8, Tianjin, China. 9. 分会主席—2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea. 10. 分会主席---19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 11. 分会主席---18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia. 12. 最佳海报评审专家—19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 13. 最佳海报评审专家—18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia. 14. 口头报告—Direct solar-to-methane conversion via a hybrid microbial-photoelectrochemical system with bipolar membrane, The 6th International society for microbial electrochemistry and technology, 2017.10, Lisbon, Portugal. 15. 口头报告—Investigation on Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of microalgae Slurries with Rheological Properties, 2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, 2017.4, Las Vegas, U.S. 16. 口头报告—Response of anode biofilm and cell performance of microbial fuel cells to different current densities, 2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea. 17. 口头报告—A thermophilic biocathode capable of hydrogenation generation in microbial electrolysis cells, The 2012 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium (2012ABBS), Chongqing, 2012.11. 18. 口头报告----An elevated cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recovery for integrated gas turbine and combustion cycle. 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2014, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 19. 口头报告---An advanced cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recuperation for CO2 separation. International Conference of Applied Energy, 2014, 5, Taipei, Taiwan. 20. 口头报告—Electrochemical evidence of direct electron transfer in a thermophilic biocathode capable of CO2 reduction. 2013 BioH2, 2013, 8, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 21. 口头报告--- Exoelectrogenic ability of thermophilic microorganisms from various environments. American Chemical Society 243th National Meeting & Exposition, 2012. 3, San Diego, CA, U. S. 国内学术会议: 1. 邀请报告---新型微生物/光电耦合人工光合作用系统能质传输特性,2018年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议暨国家自然科学基金多相流领域项目进展交流会议,北京,中国,2018.10.19-22 2. 邀请报告---高效微生物/光电耦合还原二氧化碳产甲烷系统, 多相流与新能源青年学者论坛, 西安, 2018-11-30至2018-12-2.   [English version] Biography Dr. Qian FU obtained his Ph. D degree from the Department of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, Japan in 2013, and then worked as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan. He joined the School of Power Engineering, Chongqing University as a scholar of "Hundred Talents Program" of Chongqing in 2015. Dr. FU’s research interests focus on engineering thermal physics in energy and environment technologies, including heat and mass transfer in fuel cells, hybrid bio-photo-electrochemical photosynthetic system, energy saving in energy and chemical processing field. Prof. FU has published more than 100 journal papers, including four ESI highly cited paper (e.g. Environmental Scicence & Technology, Journal of Power Sources, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Electrochemica Acta). He has been acted as a session chair of international academic conferences for five times, and gave six invited keynote speeches. He also acted as a reviewer of several international journals, including Energy, Applied Energy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Education/Career 2019.11 – now, Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University, China 2014.12 – 2019.11, Associate Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University, China 2010.10 – 2013.9, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Ph. D. 2007.9 – 2010.6, School of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, Master of Engineering 2003.9 – 2007.6, School of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, Bachelor of Engineering   Research Interests [1] Fuel Cells and CO2 electrochemical reduction [2] Microbial Energy Conversion Technologies [3] Microbial-photo-electrochemical Hybrid Artificial Photosynthesis Systems [4] Energy Saving Technologies in Energy Conversion and Chemical Engineering The master and Ph. D students who are interested in those topics are welcome to join us. Research Grants: 1. Energy and mass transport characteristics in a hybrid bio-photo-electrochemical artificial photosynthetic system for carbon dioxide reduction to methane”, Role: Project leader Financial source: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51776025) Duration: Jan 2018 – Dec 2021 Amount: RMB 600,000 2. Multi-species, multiphase transport and bioelectrochemical characteristics in microbial electrosynthesis systems capable of converting carbon dioxide to methane Role: Project leader Financial source: National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China Duration: Jan 2016 – Dec 2018 Amount: RMB 210,000 3. A novel process for biofuel production from microalgae integrated with solar-driven hydrothermal hydrolysis and fermentation Role: Project leader Financial source: Innovation support program for Chongqing Overseas returnees Duration: Jan 2018 – Dec 2020 Amount: RMB 120,000 4. Enhancing the mass transfer and performance of biocathodes capable of reducing CO2 to CH4 Role: Project leader Financial source: Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China Duration: Jan 2018 – Dec 2021 Amount: RMB 50,000 5. Heat and mass transfer on the three-dimensional surface for industrial flue gas with high dust content at high temperature Role: Project leader Financial source: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China Duration: Jul 2016 – Jun 2019 Amount: RMB 300,000 6. Fundamental Research on Biofuel Production from Microalgae Using Integrated Process of Solar Hydrothermal Hydrolysis and Microbial Conversion Role: Main Investigator Financial source: International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Duration: Oct 2015 – Sep 2018 Amount: RMB 3,000,000 7. Heat recovery technologies for Industrial flue gas with high dust content Role: Main Investigator & Project manager Financial source: State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan Duration: Jul 2016 – Jun 2019 Amount: RMB 45,000,000 Publications (Selected): 1. Qian Fu*, Shuai Xiao, Zhuo Li, Yanbo Li*, Hajime Kobayashi, Jun Li, Yang Yang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Xuefeng He, Dingding Ye, Liang Zhang, Miao Zhong, Hybrid solar-to-methane conversion system with a Faradaic efficiency of up to 96%, Nano Energy, 2018, 53:232-239. (IF=17.88) 2. Pengtao Yue, Qian Fu*, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Lei Xing, Zhongyin Kang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu. Triple-phase electrocatalysis for the enhanced CO2 reduction to HCOOH on a hydrophobic surface, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405:126975. (IF=13.27) 3. Shuai Xiao, Zhuo Li, Qian Fu*, Yanbo Li, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu,Hybrid microbial photoelectrochemical system reduces CO2 to CH4 with 1.28% solar energy conversion efficiency, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 390. (IF=13.27) 4. Pengtao Yue, Zhongyin Kang, Qian Fu*, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Life cycle and economic analysis of chemicals production via electrolytic (bi) carbonate and gaseous CO2 conversion [J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 304: 117768. (IF=9.75) 5. Shuai Xiao, Qian Fu*, Zhuo Li, Jun Li, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao*. Solar-driven biological inorganic hybrid systems for the production of solar fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 150: 111375. (IF=14.98) 6. Yu-Ting He, Qian Fu*, Yuan Pang*, Qing Li, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Ren-Hao Lu, Wei Sun, Qiang Liao, Uwe Schröder.  Customizable design strategies for high-performance bioanodes in bioelectrochemical systems, iScience, 2021, 24(3), 102163. (Cell 子刊,IF=5.46) 7. Chi-He Sun, Qian Fu*, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Hai-Xing Chang, Life-cycle assessment of biofuel production from microalgae via various bioenergy conversion systems, Energy, 2019, 171: 1033-1045. (IF=7.15) 8. Chao Xiao, Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu*, Yun Huang, Hao Chen, Hong Zhang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, A solar-driven continuous hydrothermal pretreatment system for biomethane production from microalgae biomass, Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 1011-1018. (IF=9.75) 9. Qian Fu, Hong Zhang, Hao Chen, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, Hydrothermal hydrolysis pretreatment of microalgae slurries in a continuous reactor under subcritical conditions for large-scale application, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266:306-314. (IF=9.64) 10. Qian Fu, Yoshihiro Kuramochi, Naoya Fukushima, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Hajime Kobayashi*. Bioelectrochemical Analyses of the Development of a Thermophilic Biocathode Catalyzing Electromethanogenesis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(2): 1225-1232. (IF= 7.86) International Academic Conference and Contribution: 1. Invited Keynote Speech—Solar-driven biological-inorganic hybrid systems for the production of solar fuels from CO2, The 5th Asia-Pacific International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference, July 16-18, 2021, Harbin, China. 2. Invited Keynote Speech—Effects of flow shear and hydrothermal conversion on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of microalgae slurry in a tubular reactor, The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2021, Sep 23-26, 2021, Qingdao, China. 3. Invited Keynote Speech—Fundamental Research on Biofuel Production from Microalgae Using Integrated Process of Solar Hydrothermal Hydrolysis and Microbial Conversion, 20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2017, 8, Tianjin, China. 4. Invited Keynote Speech—Centrifugal Granulating and Heat Recovery Characteristic of Blast Furnace Slag, 19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 5. Invited Keynote Speech—Process Intensification for Biochemical Reaction & High Efficient Bioreactor for Microbial Energy Conversion, International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, July 7, 2016, Beijing, China. 6. Invited Keynote Speech—Process Intensification for Microbial Energy Conversion in Photobioreactors, International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, December 17, 2015, China Agricultural University, Beijing. 7. Session Chair—20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2017, 8, Tianjin, China. 8. Session Chair——2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea. 9. Session Chair ---19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 10. Session Chair ---18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia. 11. Best Poster Judge ---19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 12. Best Poster Judge ---18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia. 13. Oral presentation—Direct solar-to-methane conversion via a hybrid microbial-photoelectrochemical system with bipolar membrane, The 6th International society for microbial electrochemistry and technology, 2017.10, Lisbon, Portugal. 14. Oral presentation—Investigation on Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of microalgae Slurries with Rheological Properties, 2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, 2017.4, Las Vegas, U.S. 15. Oral presentation—Response of anode biofilm and cell performance of microbial fuel cells to different current densities, 2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea. 16. Oral presentation—A thermophilic biocathode capable of hydrogenation generation in microbial electrolysis cells, The 2012 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium (2012ABBS), Chongqing, 2012.11. 17. Oral presentation ----An elevated cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recovery for integrated gas turbine and combustion cycle. 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2014, 8, Prague, Czech Republic. 18. Oral presentation ---An advanced cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recuperation for CO2 separation. International Conference of Applied Energy, 2014, 5, Taipei, Taiwan. 19. Oral presentation -- Electrochemical evidence of direct electron transfer in a thermophilic biocathode capable of CO2 reduction. 2013 BioH2, 2013, 8, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 20. Oral presentation --- Exoelectrogenic ability of thermophilic microorganisms from various environments. American Chemical Society 243th National Meeting & Exposition, 2012. 3, San Diego, CA, U. S.  

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